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Al Capone was notorious for bringing alcohol into the cities, during the times of prohibition as well as other illegal actions such as bribery and racketeering. Well known for eluding jailing and avoiding arrest.

After moving to Chicago from New York, the Capones found a quaint house in the area of Cicero, where Al Capone quickly joined with one of the many gangs based in Chicago during the time the Five Point Gang. After years of earning a place in this gang his mentor and the leader of the gang, Torrio returns to Italy leaving the entire organization to Capone. During the time of Prohibition demand for alcohol sky rocketed and Al Capone was happy to oblige making millions from that alone and with gambling and prostitution being some of his other "business" ventures. Capone placed his headquarters in the Lexington Hotel which was later nicknamed "Capones Castle". More than once there was an attempt on Capones life but none were successful, he was always able to survive. Although he always had an alibi  he was not free from guilt for he is largly believed to have order the murder of 7 gang members in Lincoln park which was then called the Valentines Day Massacre. Al Capone did many horrible things in his life however he also did things that were helpful to his community, like opening a soup kitchen for unemployed families in Chicago and assissting immigrants and lending financial aid to those he deemed worthy of the help. Capone's reign did not last forever however because after the formation of the FBI, and years of attempts, he was finally sent to prison on 5 counts of tax evasion which was the most they could get him on, although he quickly took the prison over and continued his business now with the perfect alibi. Finally in the last years of his life he was moved to Alcatraz, the new and highest security prison to date, and after completing his sentence, Capone was suffering major nuerological problems from the disease he contracted called Syphillis, and finished his life at his mansion in Florida until suffering a stroke and then a major cardiac arrest and passing away.




Avoiding Police

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Talking to the Right People


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